The Social Sciences at Caltech – A Progress Report
CALTECH'S graduate program in social science represents a
major break with tradition, both at the Institute and in the academic community
at large. It is the first graduate program to be offered in the Division of the
Humanities and Social Sciences; and it is the first of its kind anywhere: a
program in social science that is interdisciplinary but scientific, theoretical
but directed toward solution of current socioeconomic problems.
The program
is primarily designed to prepare students to assume senior staff positions in
policymaking organizations where they will be able to conceive and execute
complicated research projects and to utilize the products of their research to
provide the basis for actual policy decisions. Students who have more
traditional academic research interests are being trained to develop and extend
the basis for policy-relevant theory. They will turn to academic teaching
positions in economics and political science departments and a growing number
of university programs in public policy.
based the program on four fundamental building blocks," says Lance Davis,
professor of economics and "convener" of the social science faculty.
"We want to give our students a first-class grounding in economic and
political theory, in the behavioral sciences, and in measurement. During their
first year of graduate work, every student should take theory courses in each
of these four fields and should be introduced to the problems that arise when
one attempts to apply those theories. In the second year they learn how to
apply those tools, and in the third year each student executes a research project
of his own."
The program
differs from a traditional graduate program in the range of disciplines
covered. It recognizes the fact that few social problems fall uniquely in the
area of economics, politics, or psychology, and that most have elements of all
three. I n a typical economics PhD program, for example, first-year Students
would take economic theory and econometrics, but instead of the political
science and psychology courses required of the Caltech student, they would take
applied courses in economics - labor economics, foreign trade, economic
history, or what have you.
In the
second year students participate in a year-long policy seminar, to which all of
the faculty tries to contribute. For example, Michael Levine, Luce Professor of
Law and Social Change in the Technological Society, introduces them to the
legal institutions that shape potential solutions of the problems in question.
Charles Plott, professor of economics, and Morris Fiorina, associate professor
of political science, discuss the possibilities of applying experimental
methodology to the solution of social problems. Or Roger Noll, professor of
economics, who has served as a senior economist for the President's Council of
Economic Advisers and as an adviser to a number of Congressional committees,
discusses operational characteristics of various government agencies and the
constraints they impose on the solutions to social problems. Or David
Montgomery, assistant professor of economics, who also works with the
Environmental Quality Laboratory and is spending this year at the Congressional
Budget Office in Washington, describes research problems that occur on the
interface between science and engineering. Or Robert Forsythe, assistant professor
of business economics, introduces them to the usefulness of modern management
techniques for certain classes of problems. Most important of all, the students
are required to do some policy research work under faculty supervision -
perhaps with EQL or the civil systems section of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
One such
research project was a study by second-year students Steve Matthews and Brian
Binger of base housing policies at the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake. The
lower-cost housing units at China Lake had always been 100 percent occupied,
with a sizable waiting list. In the middle of 1973, people began moving out
after it became known that the Navy was going to impose a large rent increase.
The Navy requested an analysis of the increase in vacancies and an evaluation
of various plans for disposing of excess housing. The possibility of putting
several hundred low-cost houses on the market also called for an assessment of
the effects on the adjacent community of Ridgecrest.
and Binger's final report not only analyzed the existing situation and what
brought it about, but, using established economic forecasting theory, made
documented projections and recommendations about the future of the housing
situation at the NWC. A crucial finding, since borne out by experience, was a
prediction that some types of housing that were still fully occupied when the
study began would soon experience a similar increased vacancy rate, a
conclusion that the Navy found both surprising and extremely valuable. The
students also concluded that the contemplated sale of excess housing would have
only a mild, short-term effect on the private housing market.
the amount and kind of planning being done by public agencies to try to cope
with earthquake-associated problems is another project begun in early 1975.
Graduate students Linda Cohen and Barry Weingast studied the response of
various government agencies to major earthquakes, including the one in San
Fernando in 1971, and found several hitherto unnoticed correlations between the
performance of an agency and its structure, purpose, and operating procedures
before the disaster occurred. Linda Cohen and her adviser, Roger Noll, are also
completing a study on building codes in earthquake-prone areas. The study is
unique in that it uses engineering models of the capacity of structures to
resist earthquakes, geophysical data on earthquake frequency, and economic
models of optimal investment strategy to determine - in relation to the
earthquake-proneness of an area - what seismic resistance buildings should have
for maximum net benefits.
These kinds
of applied research projects are good preparation for writing a thesis, and
they are also small-scale previews of what the students may expect to be doing
after they leave Caltech - helping to establish the basis for policy-making on
social problems. "In fact," says Morris Fiorina, associate professor
of political science, "in very simple terms this program is based on the
fundamental assumption that it is both possible and desirable to study social
systems. A great deal is known at a basic level about social systems, but it
has been developed along separate academic lines. Small parts (an isolated
economic or political event) are frequently fairly well understood, but social
scientists have not been particularly successful in putting the parts together.
Nevertheless, while social systems are very complicated, they are not beyond
understanding, and the need for such understanding is obvious. It is difficult
to predict where the important breakthroughs will take place, but it is quite
possible that it will be in the area of political economy." In the words
of James Quirk, professor of economics, "We may succeed or fail on the
basis of how well we integrate economics and political science to come up with
something that is the social science equivalent of biochemistry or biophysics.
It is, of
course, still early to talk about the "success" or
"failure" of social science at Caltech, but it may be time to talk
about the end of the beginning, because last September Lee Sparling, the first
product of the program, left Pasadena for a job in Washington, D.C., with his
course work completed and his thesis well under way.
first came to Caltech in 1967 as a freshman. As a student, he had the kinds of
mathematical interests and abilities that the social sciences at the Institute
require. He graduated in 1971 with a BS in both engineering and economics and
went on to graduate school at Stanford in economics. But Stanford's rather
traditional approach to the subject was not very satisfying, and he was happy
to join Caltech's brand-new program in the fall of 1972. The chief inducement,
he says, "was that the Caltech program promised to teach not only the
basic theory of economics and other social sciences - which is done in any good
graduate program - but also how to do empirical work. That combination makes it
possible to integrate the theory and apply the empirical work in dealing with
some social problems."
In his
research, Sparling has been looking into the regulation of freight
transportation. Given his background in engineering and his training in social
science, it is not surprising he began to wonder how much fuel would be saved
if the present regulatory structure was modified so that railroads were freed
to compete with other forms of transport. For shipments exceeding about 200
miles, railroads are more efficient than trucks - in terms of both energy
consumption and total costs per ton of freight carried - but current regulatory
practices prevent them from capturing much of this business. Because regulated
shipping rates do not necessarily reflect the cost of providing service, the
savings to be gained from better allocation of freight cannot be estimated
directly. Instead, it is necessary to -model" the industry's demand,
costs, and decision-making procedures to determine what the effect of different
regulatory policies Would be.
To the
layman what a social scientist means when he speaks of "building a
model" may not be clear, but to Lance Davis it is a way of characterizing
the world. "The world the social scientist attempts to explain is a very
complex one," he says, "and it is impossible to understand its operation
in all detail. Instead, understanding depends upon simplification; and it is
the choice of simplifying models that lies at the heart of the social
scientists' art. The model is nothing but a collage Of Postulates and
inferences presented as a mathematical simplification of the processes to be
explained. The assumptions, of course, relate to the behavior of the people and
institutions whose actions are the subject of the explanation.
mark of successful model building is the simplifying assumption that permits
the capture of the essence of the problem while ignoring those parts of reality
that are not important. The social scientist must choose his model, estimate
its parameters, and test its predictive power. Behind the model lies an
understanding of theory, a detailed knowledge of economic and political
institutions, and a psychologist's insight into human behavior. Estimation and
testing, in turn, involve statistics, econometrics, laboratory experiments, and
computer simulation techniques. "
Sparling's model is a useful description of how things are in the
transportation industry - and the only way to test that is to see if it
accurately explains and predicts the industry's performance - then he can build
various constraints into his model to tell him how alternative regulatory
policies would affect the decision-making process.
Sparling's particular model of a railroad has been a complicated problem in
applied mathematics and statistics. For example, he found it necessary to
develop a complex non-linear programming model to determine the least costly
ways to route boxcars if wholesale changes occurred in the amount and mix of
railroad shipments. Based on his work to date, he estimates the cost to the
economy of transportation regulation is about $2.5 billion to $4 billion per
year, which, though enormous, is half of what others have estimated using
cruder techniques. Already his results have played a role in the policy debate,
as they were cited and discussed in testimony before a Senate committee
investigating the issue of regulatory reform,
A year ago
Sparling began looking for a job. Rather than pursue the usual academic
openings, he had interviews with both government agencies and private research
organizations. Eventually he chose to join the Economic Policy Office of the
Antitrust Division of the Justice Department, where he is now involved in an
investigation of what economists call industrial structure. Some of his work is
in response to requests from attorneys in the middle of antitrust cases, some
is research to determine whether antitrust action may be called for, but much
is further pursuit of his own research interests in transportation regulation.
And it is exactly what he had in mind when he signed up for a Caltech social
science PhD three years ago.
back in Pasadena, the departmental faculty is working with a group of students
whose numbers and needs are growing. The students, like the faculty, are
diverse in their formal academic training. Of the fourteen current students,
five were mathematics majors as undergraduates, six were economics majors, and
one each majored in engineering, biology, and history. Four were Caltech
undergraduates, and six began their graduate careers at another university in
traditional disciplines. All have outstanding academic records and would
qualify for admission to first-rate graduate programs in traditional fields. Of
the group, six are in their first year and eight are more advanced students in
the process of choosing thesis topics and advisers. In addition, one student,
pursuing both social science and a law degree, is on leave, taking second-year
law courses at USC.
Last June,
at the end of the first full year of operation, the social science faculty and
the students engaged in extensive discussions on how their enterprise was
going, and how it might be improved. Both the students and the faculty
expressed strong interest in the behavioral fields of social science. This
interest underscores a need for expanding the program's capability in
psychology - social, experimental, and mathematical. At present, this part of
the program is handled by Thayer Scudder, professor of anthropology, Robert
Bates, associate professor of political science, and Louis Breger, associate
professor of psychology. With only three faculty members covering the entire range
of relevant behavioral sciences - anthropology, psychology, sociology, and
political behavior - some behavioral areas that are ~central to the social
science program are being completely neglected.
students also pointed out that economists and political scientists tend to use
the same tools, something that the faculty knew but had never acted upon. As a
result of these comments, several courses are now being jointly taught by
faculty from both these disciplines. An extension of interdisciplinary teaching
appears in SS 150 abc, Social Science Aspects of' Technology. Funded by a grant
from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, this year-long course is oriented toward
seniors and graduate students in engineering. The first term deals with the
theory of the operation of a competitive price system; the second, with
problems caused by distortions within a competitive market; and the third, with
specific problems of particular concern to engineers - for example, congestion,
energy, pollution abatement, land-use planning, earthquake hazards, and the
social consequences of disasters. The last term is taught jointly by a member
of the social science faculty and by a member of' the engineering faculty.
Eventually there will also be a series of seminars dealing with the social
aspects of current engineering research designed for graduates at the
thesis-writing level.
Not only is
the social science teaching program interdisciplinary, but the faculty crosses
disciplinary lines in their research. "The integrating factors," says
Plott, "are their mutual interest in policy analysis and their
appreciation for the importance of basic theory and measurement.'
example, says John Ferejohn, "On the basis of certain assumptions, an economist
attempts to analyze human behavior in economic choice-making situations. .He
can predict, for instance, what will happen to the amount of gasoline sold in
the U.S. if a tariff is placed on oil or the price of domestic oil is
decontrolled. But many times the policy recommendations concern decision-makers
who are not acting in purely economic settings. If you make decisions in
government or industry, you want to know not only the effect of your oil policy
on sales, but also what the Middle Eastern political responses are likely to
be. The appropriate model contains both economic and political components.
Fortunately, all our economists at Caltech are very sensitive to the need to
model both political and economic behavior in analyzing public policy
The policy
orientation of the program necessitates strong emphasis on measurement
techniques for testing models of behavior and predicting effects of policy
changes. At Caltech two econometricians, David Grether, professor of economics,
and Forrest Nelson, assistant professor of economics, share the responsibility
of training students in the use of measurement techniques. According to Grether,
"We feel it is important that our students receive training in the use of
statistical techniques comparable to that of the best economics program in the
country. In addition, the interdisciplinary program requires exposure to a
different mix of techniques."
For the
last several years Ferejohn and Noll have been working together on the strategy
of politicians in political campaigns. Currently they are working on the effect
of information about voter preferences on campaign strategies. "At least
in the early stages of a campaign a candidate makes decisions based on very
imperfect information about the preferences of voters with respect to policy
issues," says Noll. "We want to determine the consequences of
rational behavior for a candidate - that is, behavior that maximizes his chance
of winning - in situations in which information is imperfect. Thus far, our
investigations have led primarily to qualitative theoretical results, rather
than quantitative predictions. For example, we have found that in circumstances
that appear to be quite general, it is in the interests of both candidates to
make an agreement not to campaign on the issues that are the most important to
the voters."
both the teaching and research programs have a strongly applied flavor, faculty
research, like the graduate curricula, does not ignore basic science. Extending
the theory across this boundary between economics and politics requires basic
research. "Good models of behavior and choice in a purely market setting
have been around a long time, but social processes which involve both political
and market behavior need much more study," says Plott. "Slight
changes in procedures and organization, for example, make enormous changes in
the outcome."
facilitate this study, Plott has developed an experimental methodology for
examining the impact of subtle changes in rules, procedures, and modes of
organization. Levine and Plott, for example, were able to demonstrate that
within a large class of majority rule committee settings the agenda alone can
be used to determine the committee's decision. Fiorina and Plott, with the aid
of a grant from the National Science Foundation, have extended the study to
wider classes of procedures including even simple election processes.
Not only
the institutional but also the behavioral. assumptions have come under
experimental scrutiny by the Caltech faculty. Economists traditionally build
models by assuming that everything people do can be explained on the basis of
self-interest, but evidence exists that people do not always behave that way.
Since successful prediction depends upon an accurate theory of behavior, it is
important to determine at what point people cease behaving in what the
economists call a rational way. Experimental work carried on by Ferejohn and
Grether is designed to discover under what conditions people will behave as the
economists predict. Whatever they find, a combination of theory with good
experimental design will greatly enhance the social scientists' ability to
design effective solutions to social problems.
Despite the
innovations of the Caltech faculty, laboratory experimentation in the social
sciences is very difficult, and for most of their empirical validation, the
social scientists must turn to history. Unlike the more traditional sciences,
however, the behavior of people and groups of people frequently depends on
their own previous experiences or those of their predecessors, and the rules
that govern the relationships between the objects of the theory are not given
by nature but depend upon the actions taken by the actors on the social stage.
History then becomes an integral part of the social science program. Students
have to be aware of the shape and structure of the institutional environment of
the historical episode that they choose for their experiments, and they should
be cognizant of the evolution of these structures over time. Morgan Kousser,
associate professor of history and a student of nineteenth-century legislative
behavior, and Lance Davis, an economic historian, offer a second-year course in
"cliometrics." In their research, both use social science models to
explain history, and the course focuses on the changing nature of social
institutions and ~their importance to social science research.
provides comparisons over time, but variations also occur across cultures. The
study of such variation traditionally falls within the purview of anthropology,
and Scudder's work offers an opportunity both for testing social science theories
across cultures and for developing policy that is relevant to problems of
development. The focus of these studies has been on Zambia, and the
interdisciplinary nature of the work is underlined by cooperation with Bates,
who studied the impact of governmental policies at the village level in Africa.
In this area too, the program exhibits its ability to produce truly
collaborative work by scholars from several social science disciplines and to
focus this work on matters of public policy.
It is going
to take a lot of research - experimental, empirical, and theoretical - by all
varieties of social scientists to get very far with such problems. But at
Caltech the social scientists are in the business of doing just these kinds of
research - and of training a small and very talented group of students to do it
we're doing isn't possible in a typical economics, political science, or
statistics department," says Roger Noll, who was a 1962 graduate of
Caltech in mathematics. "It's multidisciplinary, requiring people -
faculty and students - who have the technical talent to become expert in several
different traditional fields, and have an interest in applications. There
aren't very many of those people, but we have some and we're training more.
kind of social science is exciting and innovative. As such, it is in keeping
with the Caltech tradition of getting good people who are at the very forefront
of research, and then encouraging them to work on an extremely difficult
problem that almost no one else has even attacked.
was a big risk to set up the social science program at Caltech, but when Hale
came out here to build his telescope, that was a risk, too. Caltech is where it
is today because it has been a place that takes big risks to do very difficult
things, and that's the only way social science makes sense here. "
How successful the innovation will be is still not clear. However, Robert A. Huttenback, chairman of the division, thinks this program may be on the verge of reaching its goal of integrating the social sciences and bringing that unified theory to bear on pressing socioeconomic problems. If he is right, Caltech could once again manage to do something that other institutions have long sought after but never achieved.
Pictures included in .pdf of article. Captions:
Robert Forsythe, assistant
professor of economics
Morris Fiorina, associate
professor of political science
Lance Davis, professor of
Michael Levine, Luce
professor of law and social change
Roger Noll professor of
Charles Plott, professor
of economics
James Quirk, professor of economics
John Ferejohn, associate professor of political science
Forrest Nelson, assistant professor of economics
David Grether, professor of economics
Robert Bates, associate professor of political science
Thayer Scudder, professor of anthropology
Louis Breger, associate
professor of psychology