Table of Contents

In This Issue

Geology of Southern California edited by Richard H. Jahns


A Map of the Universe
After seven years of hard work, a new milestone in astronomical history has been reached with the publication of this new chart of the skies.

A New Source of Uranium
Caltech investigators find a way to extract the atomic energy fuels, uranium and thorium, from the ordinary granites of the earth's crust.

Looking Ahead for Water
Can southern California keep growing indefinitely without fear of water shortage? Here's what engineers and scientists are doing to meet the inevitable problem.
by Jack McKee

What's New About New Cars
by Peter Kyropoulos

Family Album
An informal report on some of the graduate students whose work has been financed by the Arthur McCallum Fellowship and Scholarship program.

How Do You Like Your Job?
A reminder that the Caltech Alumni Placement service can help you do something about it.
by Donald S. Clark

Campus News:

The Summer at Caltech

Freshman Camp, 1955
A pictorial record


Alumni Fund