Table of Contents

In This Issue


Caltech and the IGY
The International Geophysical Year begins on July 1, 1957. During this Year, scientists all over the world will collaborate on an investigation of the earth and its atmosphere. Here, five Caltech scientists describe the part the Institute will play in the IGY

Glaciological Research
by Robert P. Sharp

Antarctic Seismology
by Frank Press

Project Vanguard—The Earth Satellite Program
by William H. Pickering

Solar Observations
by Seth B. Nicholson

Cosmic Rays
by H. V. Neher

Commencement, 1957
A pictorial record

The Next Hundred Years...III
Ever-increasing technical problems lead to a mounting demand for skilled technical brainpower. A noted psychologist discusses how we can fill the need for more scientists and engineers.
by Harrison Brown, James Bonner and John Weir.

Campus News:

A New Biology Building
by George W. Beadle

Alumni News
