Table of Contents

The Armchair Science Reader edited by Isabel S. Gordon and Sophie Sorkin
Space Technology edited by Howard Seifert
The Ocean of Air by David I. Blumenstock
Our Atmosphere by Theo Loebsack
The Upper Atmosphere by H. S. W. Massey and R. L. F. Boyd
IGY: Year of Discovery by Sydney Chapman
Inventions, Patents, and Their Management by Alf K. Berle and L. Sprague de Camp


Caltech's Deans
A Portfolio of Portraits
by Harvey

Cancer and Viruses
by Howard Temin

Research in Progress
A powerful new accelerator for nuclear research.

William Bennett Munro
A memoir by Harvey Eagleson

Campus News:

The Month at Caltech

Student Life
A Life in the Day of Eric
by Martin Carnoy, '60

Alumni News
