Table of Contents

Astronomy by Fred Hoyle
The Challenge of Space edited by Hugh Odishaw
Illustrated Guide to U. S. Missiles and Rockets by Stanley M. Ulanoff
The Science Writer's Guide by John Foster, Jr.
The Space Industry: America's Newest Giant by the Editors of Fortune
Alumni Books:
Electric Circuit Analogies for Elastic Structures by Richard H. MacNeal '47
Digital Processes for Sampled Data Systems by Alfred J. Monroe '50


High-Speed Laser Camera
By incorporating a laser in a high-speed camera, Caltech engineers make it possible to examine extremely rapid phenomena in minute detail.

Graphic Arts Showcase
A sampling of the work of Caltech's Graphic Arts photographers

Earthquakes and Mountains Around the Pacific
by Clarence Allen

Science and the Engineer
Some reflections on the engineer's function in our increasingly complex technological culture
by M. A. Biot

Campus News:


Alumni News