Table of Contents

The Double Helix by James D. Watson
Numerical Methods for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems by Herbert B. Keller
Analysis of Numerical Methods by Eugene Isaacson and Herbert B. Keller
Fluid Mechanics and Singular Perturbations. A Collection of Paper by Saul Kaplun edited by Paco A. Lagerstrom, Louis N. Howard, and Ching-shi Liu
Perturbation Methods in Applied Mathematics by Julian D. Cole


Cambridge or Bust/ Pasadena or Bust
In the Great Electric Car Race, both teams made it—and both busted too.

The Student Smog Research Project
by Barry Lieberman '68

A. A. Noyes
A tribute to his close friend and colleague
by Earnest C. Watson

Portrait of Perpetual Zest
A telescopic look at Harold Zirin

Research Notes

Campus News:

A New Look for New Student Camp

The Month at Caltech

Faculty and Administrative Changes


Beckman Auditorium Calendar of Events