The Frontier Challenge edited by John G. Clark
Complex Variables Applied in Science and Engineering by Harold Wayland
Cavitation by Robert T. Knapp, James W. Daily, and Frederick G. Hammitt
Discovery, Invention, Research, Through the Morphological Approach by
Fritz Zwicky
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by Leon Lapidus
and John Seinfeld
Baxter Hall—A Laboratory for the Humanities and Social Sciences
A Time of Metamorphosis
We are facing an identity crisis for the species, a rite of passage from life
in a world we never made, to life, for better or worse, in a world of human
by Robert L. Sinsheimer
Energy Unlimited
Huttenback's Law says that energy begets energy; it also produces a lot of solid
Robert B. Corey—1897-1971
by N. A. D'Arcy, Jr.
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