A Changing Concept
of Health Care
The new knowledge coming out of basic research laboratories will result in changes
in health care of such magnitude that they will modify all of our lives and
indeed our social institutions—our philosophies, laws, and politics—as
well as the practice of medicine.
by William J. Dreyer
Hang-gliding is a fairly rarefied sport for college students, but it's nothing
new for Taras Kiceniuk, Jr.
Ted Wu—Man
in the Swim
Was it difficult for Ted Wu to make the big jump from China to Iowa? Yes, and
it took him two weeks to feel at home.
Where Were the
Pharaohs Buried?
Luis Alvarez is using the cosmic radiation from space to analyze the internal
structure of Khefren's pyramid.
100 Supernovae—The
Reward of a 40-year Search
by Fritz Zwicky
Research Notes
Clever Crustaceans
Pioneer 11—An Ace in the Hole
Superconducting Alloys
Replication Site in DNA
Flying Mountain
Campus News: