Are We Going To Rule Our Own Technology—Or Will We Be Ruled By It?
by Bruce Murray
We still have a choice—but are we smart enough to see that our old world
views have collapsed and a new one is emerging? A scientist's look into the
Predicting Earthquakes
An interview with Clarence Allen, Don Anderson, and Hiroo Kanmori, in which they explain what we do and don't know about earthquake prediction.
Maybe You Know All About Him—But What About Her?
The wives of Caltech's four Nobel prizewinners (Lorraine Anderson, Manny Delbruck, Gweneth Feynman, and Margaret Gell-Mann) talk about what life is like for a Nobel Laureate's family.
Whither Molecular Biology?
by Robert L. Sinsheimer
As has been the case with nuclear science, questions of molecular biology have become issues of public policy. The critical question may not be whither, but whether, molecular biology.
Jesse W. M. DuMond, 1892-1976
A Tribute by Felix Boehm
J. Niles Puckett Jr., 1943-1976
A Tribute by Martha Chivens