Table of Contents

Of Men and Galaxies by Fred Hoyle
Galaxies, Nuclei, and Quasars by Fred Hoyle
Foundations of Solid Mechanics by Y. C. Fung
Ideas in Modern Biology edited by John A. Moore
The Architecture of Molecules by Linus Pauling and Roger Hayward
Space Propulsion by Donald L. Turcotte


Richard P. Feynman—Nobel Prizewinner • htmlpdf

The Winds of Change in Aeronauticshtmlpdf
by Peter Lissaman
Some exciting innovations in aeronautics may have far-reaching effects on transportation.

Princess Margaret at Caltechpdf

Ikeya-Seki, Rare Visitorpdf

Conformational Changeshtmlpdf
Caltech scientists study molecules that twist and flip-flop at very high speeds.

In Memoriam:

Royal W. Sorensenhtmlpdf

Campus News:

Alumni Newshtmlpdf
