Fun with Dick at TEDx
by Douglas L. Smith
Caltech's first TEDx event celebrated the continuing legacy of visionary, iconoclast, showman, and, yes, bongo drummer Richard Feynman.
Roughing It
by Lori Oliwenstein
Beverley McKeon has made a career of creating turbulenceand that's a good thing, at least when it comes to golf balls and insect-sized aircraft.
Jaws 'R' Us
by Kathy Svitil
The unsightly, blood-sucking, faceless lampreywith a little help from some lab fish and biologist Marianne Bronneris offering new insight into some of life's biggest mysteries.
Unexpected Connections
by Marcus Y. Woo
For Matilde Marcolli, physics and mathematics don't intersect so much as form a two-way streetand she travels in both directions.
Thomas J. Ahrens, Eugene W. Cowan