Ralph Helstein, International President of the United Packinghouse Workers of America, AFLCIO, will be on campus December 4-6 as the first YMCA Leader of America for 1963-4.
Mr. Helstein, who has been prominent on the national labor scene since 1934, became president in 1946 of the UPWA, which has been an acknowledged leader in the integration movement since the 30Õs. Helstein is one of the outstanding authorities on the subject of automation and its impact on the labor force and the national economy. Under his leadership, the UPWA devised Technological Adjustment Pay, a pioneering attempt to meet problems caused by automation.
The second Leader of America will be Lukas Foss, composer, and conductor of the Buffalo Symphony, who will be on campus January 22 to 24.
Linus Pauling, Caltech professor of chemistry, and winner on October 10 of the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize, held a press conference at his home in Pasadena on October 18 to announce that he had accepted the appointment, effective November 1, as a member of the staff of the Center for Democratic Institutions, in Santa Barbara, under conditions favorable to the continued prosecution of my work in science, medicine, and world affairs.Ó
Dr. Pauling will be on leave of absence from Caltech during the remainder of the academic year, but will continue to supervise the program of experimental and theoretical research in the fields of chemistry in relation to mental disease and the mechanism of action of anesthetic agents, now being carried out under his direction.
ÒIt is not without great regret, Dr. Pauling wrote in a letter to John D. Roberts, chairman of CaltechÕs division of chemistry and chemical engineering, Òthat I view the ending of my association with the California Institute of Technology, after the more than forty-one years I have spent as a staff member. I have felt that over much of this period the California Institute of Technology provided the most favorable environment for the prosecution of scientific work that could be found in the world.
ÒI now look forward to an increased opportunity to carry out further work, during the coming years, in the fields of science, medicine and peace.Ó
The 606th meeting of the American Mathematical Society will be held on the camps from November 21 to 23. Some 200 members from the U.S., Canada, and England are expected to attend. In conjunction with the meeting, a symposium on recent developments in the theory of numbers will be held on November 21 and 22. There will be a special memorial service in honor of Dr. Morgan Ward, professor of mathematics at Caltech, who died on June 26. Dr. Ward was known for his extensive work on algebra and number theory, with particular emphasis on arithmetical sequences.
Frontiers in Science, the book made up of articles from Engineering an Science, has sold over 25,000 copies since it was published in 1958 by Basic Books, Inc. Royalties received to date amount to $13, 982.58, which as been turned over CaltechÕs Faculty Salary Fund as a gift from the Caltech Alumni Fund.