Caltech Magazine, Volume 82:1, Spring 2019

Caltech Magazine, Volume 82:1, Spring 2019. [Journal Issue]

PDF (Volume 82:1, Spring 2019) - Published Version
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Table of Contents

A Fruitful Collaboration
How a tiny fly became a vital partner in the quest to understand everything from emotions to the microbiome.

How Do Planets Take Shape?
A newly discovered mechanism helps explain planet formation, stellar winds, and more.

Titan's Massive Dust Storms
Data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft have revealed giant dust storms on Saturn's moon Titan.

A Model Climate
Computer models hold the key to understanding our climate and predicting its future. Researchers from across the country are on a quest to improve those models.

Building Keck: An Oral History
Seven vital players in the design and building of the W.M. Keck Observatory tell the story of its early history.

Ask A Genius
Caltech's newest MacArthur Fellows answer questions from the community.

Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold • April Castaneda • CS+X • Class Act• Object Lesson: Historic Hardware• The Hameetman Center• Shreyas Vissapragada

In the Community•Origins
A New Home for Caltech's Rock Stars•A Cache of Chemical Models.

If you won a MacArthur award, what would you use the money to do, create, or explore?

In Memoriam
Harold Brown, Fiona Cowie, Walter Burke, Wilhelmus A. J. Luxemburg

Item Type:Journal Issue
Record Number:CaltechES:20190326-125138318
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https://magazine.caltech.eduPublisherLatest Magazine Issues article: Helping the Blind to Navigate
Usage Policy:You are granted permission for individual, educational, research and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, display and performance of this work in any format.
Item Category:All Records > Complete Issues
ID Code:4821
Deposited On:29 Mar 2019 17:58
Last Modified:05 May 2020 21:00

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