Caltech Magazine, Volume 83:1, Spring 2020

Caltech Magazine, Volume 83:1, Spring 2020. [Journal Issue]

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Table of Contents

Off the Wall • BALTO Portrait of a Robot • Three Questions for Kara Whatley • Class Act: Volcanoes and Victorian Media • Daniel Mukasa • Quake Map • History Relocated

In the Community
A Better Match

The Case of the Surfing Bees
When stuck in water, bees create a wave and hydrofoil atop it, according to a recent study by Caltech researchers.

Tales of Spitzer
In January, the Spitzer Space Telescope was officially retired after 16 years in orbit. It leaves behind a trove of memories for hundreds of people involved in its mission.

Voyager 2 Sails Through Interstellar Space
Now that Voyager 2 has left the heliosphere, scientists can learn more about interstellar space, or the region between stars.

Becoming Caltech
In 1920, when the Throop College of Technology became the California Institute of Technology, more than just its name changed.

On a Mission of Sustainability
A recent $750 million pledge will reenergize the work of the Resnick Sustainability Institute as it addresses Earth’s most pressing environmental concerns.

The Art of Playful Science
AnnMarie Thomas (PhD ’07) is a mechanical engineering professor who has found her life’s work in a mashup of science and play.

In Memoriam
Donald S. Cohen, Shirley Marneus

What will Caltech accomplish in the next 100 years?

Science of Sweat
Researchers have developed a mass-producible wearable sensor that can monitor levels of metabolites and nutrients in a person’s blood by analyzing that person’s sweat.

Item Type:Journal Issue
Record Number:CaltechES:20190823-103140734
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Usage Policy:You are granted permission for individual, educational, research and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, display and performance of this work in any format.
Item Category:All Records > Complete Issues
ID Code:4838
Deposited By: Jon P. Nalick
Deposited On:05 May 2020 23:13
Last Modified:05 May 2020 23:13

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