Caltech Magazine, Volume 87:1, Spring 2024

Caltech Magazine, Volume 87:1, Spring 2024. [Journal Issue]

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Table of Contents

Letters to the editor and social media references to Caltech Magazine.

A White House medal ceremony, Swifties shake up SoCal, Einstein's legacy lives on in Pasadena, and more.

The Roots of the Matter
Caltech faculty are working to make farming practices more sustainable.

Extra Credit
A company founded by Caltech alum Aadith Moorthy (BS '18) uses artificial intelligence to help farmers get paid for storing carbon in their soil.

Inside Look: Rana Adhikari, Professor of Physics
Time and space collide in the office of this experimental physicist.

A New Paradigm for Discovery
The Brinson Exploration Hub will serve as a proving ground for future space and Earth missions.

Keeping a "Big Eye" on the Universe
Palomar Observatory's Hale Telescope still delivers discoveries 75 years after its first light.

Sense of Health
Caltech engineers are developing wearable sensing technologies and materials that could transform the practice of medicine.

In Memoriam
Gary Lorden, Frank Borman, Fred E. Culick, Betty I. Moore, Theodore Y. Wu

On page 23, we introduce a new regular feature called "Inside Look," in which we ask faculty members to tell us about some of the unique items they keep in their office. What is the most interesting thing you keep in your own office or workspace, and what is the story behind it?

Item Type:Journal Issue
Record Number:CaltechES:20240614-173654787
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https://magazine.caltech.eduPublisherLatest Magazine Issues
Usage Policy:You are granted permission for individual, educational, research and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, display and performance of this work in any format.
Item Category:All Records > Complete Issues
ID Code:5009
Deposited By: Jon P. Nalick
Deposited On:19 Aug 2024 18:19
Last Modified:19 Aug 2024 18:19

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