The Reapportionment Puzzle
by Bruce E. Cain
The chief consultant for technical operations last year for the California State Assembly Elections and Reapportionment Committee is also a Caltech political scientist. Here. he discusses some of the criteria he used in drawing electoral district lines.
Nerve, Myelin, and Multiple Sclerosis
by Jeremy P. Brockes
Basic research on the cells of the nervous system may contribute to our understanding of the cause of multiple sclerosis — and perhaps to its cure.
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Physicists gathered from far and near last fall to celebrate the 50th birthday of Kellogg Radiation Laboratory - and a good time seems to have been had by all.
Phyphty Years of Phun and Physics in Kellogg
by Willy Phowler
A condensed version of a talk by the Institute Professor of Physics (alias William A. Fowler) given on January 25, 1982, at the Annual Joint Meeting of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers.
Research in Progress
Where There's Smoke — Animal Magnetism
Oral History
A distinguished seismologist — Charles F. Richter — recalls his early career and the development of the earthquake measurement scale that bears his name.
Random Walk
Scientific Recognition — Still to Come — Stamp Act — Research Detour