The Challenge of Success
by Bruce Murray
Caltech's 1979 commencement speaker tells his audience their primary institution is not Caltech but planet Earth, and their primary constituency is not scientific colleagues but Homo sapiens.
Viruses of Mice, Mosquitoes, and Men: A Primer of Virology
by James H. Strauss
A Caltech biologist reviews the structure, assembly, and replication of viruses — and the nature of research into ways to control them.
The Real China Syndrome: Earthquake Prediction and Engineering in the People's Republic
A review of methods, successes, and failures of earthquake prediction and engineering in China — written by Dennis Meredith, director of Caltech's News Bureau, and illustrated with pictures of some of the damage from the 1976 Tangshan earthquake.
Winchester Jones — How It Was (Part One)
A chapter in the oral history of Caltech — by the dean of admissions, emeritus
In Memoriam
Richard P. Schuster, 1925-1979
Robert W. Vaughan, 1941-1979
C. A. G. Wiersma, 1905-1979
Robert D. Gray, 1909-1979
Ernest E. Sechler, 1905-1979
Beach Langston, 1911-1979