Table of Contents

In This Issue

An Interview with Marvin Goldberger
A group of faculty, students. and the president of the Alumni Association question Caltech's president on some of the problems and accomplishments of his first three years at the Institute.

Voyager 1 at Saturn: An Encounter with a Multi-ringed Giant
by Edward C. Stone
Just two years ago, Voyager's Project Scientist reported on the first encounter with Jupiter and its satellites. Here he tells what the spacecraft found at Saturn.

Biotechnology for Fun and Profit
by James E. Bailey
A Caltech professor of chemical engineering surveys some of biotechnology's most important products and processes and assesses their probable impacts.

Max Delbrück, 1906-1981

Putnam Problems - Play by Play
Placing high in the Putnam Mathematical Competition is a fairly frequent occurrence for Caltech entrants, both individual and team. In this article Peter Shor, one of the stars for the last four years, discusses some of his strategy and favorite problems.

Retirements, 1980-1981
James Bonner Paco Lagerstrom
Francis H. Clauser Robert V. Langmuir
Leverett Davis, Jr. Gilbert D. McCann
Marshall Hall, Jr. Rodman W. Paul
George W. Housner W. Duncan Rannie
Donald E. Hudson John Todd
Robert L. Walker