Engineering and Science, Volume 54:2, Winter 1991

Engineering and Science, Volume 54:2, Winter 1991. [Journal Issue]

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Table of Contents

First Lights
The 10-meter Keck Telescope, with one quarter of its mirror segments installed, produces its first image; its predecessors had different definitions of "first light," as well as different problems.

Scientific Fraud
by David Goodstein
Caltech's vice provost offers an opinion of what it is and what it isn't, and defends a couple of famous physicists against false charges.

Deposit Insurance
The layers that make up a computer chip are deposited inside a sealed chamber. A new way to see what's going on within the chamber can improve chip quality.

Commercialization of Technology: Key to Competitiveness
by James D. Watkins
The Secretary of Energy explains what government can do to bridge the gap between research and development on the one side and practical applications and the marketplace on the other.


Books: Aimé Césaire: Lyric and Dramatic Poetry, 1946-1982 translated by Clayton Eshleman and Annette Smith

Lab Notes: Plasma Donor; But Will It Work on a Hibachi?

Random Walk

Item Type:Journal Issue
Record Number:CaltechES:54.2.0
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Usage Policy:You are granted permission for individual, educational, research and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, display and performance of this work in any format.
Item Category:All Records > Complete Issues
ID Code:615
Deposited On:01 Oct 2009 03:12
Last Modified:03 Oct 2019 22:52

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