Table of Contents


In this Issue

Science and Liberal Education
Science can no longer be dismissed as "purely technical" or "merely vocational." It has an essential role to play in a liberal education-along with human liberalism and practical technology.
by Lee A. DuBridge

The Guided Missile—Precocious Problem Child of the Military Art
by Clark B. Millikan

Science in Art
Lectures at the Surrey Institution
by Earnest C. Watson

The Epsom Salts Line—Monorail to Nowhere
by Richard H. Jahns

The Month at Caltech

The Economy Run
A report from one of Caltech' s student observers
by William V. Wright

How Could the United States Best Utilize Its College-Level Engineers and Scientists?
by Boyd lsraelsen

The Beaver
Some Notes on Student Life
by Al Haber

Alumni News

