Table of Contents

In This Issue

James Watt and the History of Steam Power by Ivor B. Hart
Applied Hydrology by Ray K. Linsley, Jr., Max A. Kohler, and Joseph L. K. Paulhus


The Challenge of Science and Technology
Some of the changes science and technology may bring—and what we can do to encourage them.
by L. A. DuBridge

Bacteriophage: A New Test Animal
Caltech biologists are using the viruses that attack bacteria to learn more about reproduction
by C. M. Stearns

The Two Supreme Elements in Human Progress
An extract from the forthcoming "Autobiography of Robert A. Millikan"

Philosophy of Organ-Building
Why should anyone want to build an organ? Ask the man who built one.
by Hunter Mead

Science in Art: Caricatures of Men of Science
by E. C. Watson

Campus News:

The Month at Caltech

The Beaver

Alumni News


Science in the News