Geophysics and Planetary Science at Caltech
by Barclay Kamb
The Seismological Laboratory: Past and Future
by Don L. Anderson
The Southern California Seismographic Network
by Clarence R. Allen
Some day Caltech's Seismological Laboratory may not only report earthquakes after they happen, but will be able to give meaningful warnings before an event.
Earthquake Prediciton
by Hiroo Kanamori
By nature, earthquake prediction is only possible with some statistical uncertainty. Methods are being developed to make this uncertainty small enough for practical purposes.
A Journey to the Center of the Earth—Solid State Geophysics at Caltech
by Thomas J. Ahrens
A real understanding of how the earth "operates" may ultimately lead to prediciton and perhaps control of the surface manifestations of its processes.
Understanding Seismograms by Constructing Numerical Models
by Donald V. Helmberger
Studying seismograms is the first step in the scientific study of earthquakes and the interior of the earth. Now, seismologists are generating synthetic seismograms to help explain why observed seismograms look the way they do.
Planetary Science
First Look at Mercury
by Bruce C. Murray
Why go to Mercury? Who needs it? A planetary scientist tells what the voyage of Mariner 10 is all about.
Jupiter's Atmosphere
by Andrew P. Ingersoll
Studying the atmospheres of other planets gives us a better idea of how the earth's atmosphere might respond to changes in external conditions.
A Penetrating Look at the Planets
by Duane O. Muhleman
Earth-based radio observations are a powerful tool in our investigation of the solar system. Here's what a radio astronomer "sees" when he looks at Venus.
Taking Jupiter's Picture in the Infrared
by James A. Westphal
These unusual pictures of Jupiter may lead to a more complete knowledge of the meteorology of the planet.