Engineering and Science, Volume 76:4, Winter 2013

Engineering and Science, Volume 76:4, Winter 2013. [Journal Issue]

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Table of Contents

Caltech on Twitter

From the President

Random Walk
Saber-Toothed Cats • Artificial Photosynthesis • A Giant Telescope • And More

Hidden Gems on Campus

By the Numbers: The Thirty Meter Telescope

Of Ancient Cats and Collagens

On the Grounds

Birds of a Feather

Fast-Tracking Discoveries

Available Now on

The Other Side
Voyager 1 left its home planet on a September morning 36 years ago. Now, after traveling farther than any other human artifact, it has made its way to the space between the stars.

Using Space Wisely
In the Space Structures Laboratory at Caltech, engineers are building and testing a variety of unique models that represent how objects fill space—and how they might be manipulated to take up a little less of it.

Lab Space
The work done in Caltech’s offices and laboratories is anything but typical—and that uniqueness is often reflected in the design of the spaces within which the Institute’s researchers do their most creative work.

Lighting Up the Dark Ages
The universe’s cosmic dawn represents the last frontier of observational cosmology, which is why Caltech scientists are pushing the limits of present-day telescopes, trying to capture images of the first generation of stars right after they formed.

The Space Between
Caltech geologists and engineers explore how the nooks and crannies amid particles play a key role in creating landscapes through processes like waterfalls, landslides, and avalanches.

Alumni Impact: An Intuition for Scale • The Web as Canvas
By the Caltech Alumni Association

In Memoriam
Bruce Murray

The Best Spaces on Campus

Item Type:Journal Issue
Record Number:CaltechES:20140203-100901966
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https://magazine.caltech.eduPublisherCaltech's flagship publication
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Item Category:All Records > Complete Issues
ID Code:4589
Deposited By: CaltechES Administrator
Deposited On:03 Feb 2014 18:43
Last Modified:04 Oct 2019 15:21

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