Engineering and Science, Volume 42:4, March-April 1979

Engineering and Science, Volume 42:4, March-April 1979. [Journal Issue]

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Table of Contents

In this Issue


A Giant's Birthday
by Dennis Meredith
A tribute to the 200-inch Hale Telescope — and to the men who created it and have used it with distinction for 30 years.

Genes, Cells, and Behavior: A View of Biology Fifty Years Later
by Norman Horowitz
Reports on their recent research by some of the most outstanding alumni of Caltech's biology division.

Developing Our Geothermal Energy
by Carel Otte
Alumnus Otte (MS '50, PhD '54) tells why geothermal development can be a significant factor in the effort to change our current energy consumption patterns.

Henry Borsook - How It Was (Part Two)
A chapter from the oral history of Caltech — by a professor of biochemistry emeritus.

Albert Who?
The 100th anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein gives Caltech students a reason to throw a party — and E&S its third birthday story in the same issue.

Richard F. Webb, 1910-1979
A Tribute by Hallett Smith

Item Type:Journal Issue
Record Number:CaltechES:42.4.0
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Usage Policy:You are granted permission for individual, educational, research and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, display and performance of this work in any format.
Item Category:All Records > Complete Issues
ID Code:575
Deposited On:23 Sep 2009 05:03
Last Modified:03 Oct 2019 22:52

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